Frequently asked questions

Have a question about me or my paintings?


I try to always use a good quality canvas, opting to paint on a 100% natural, cotton duck, stretched & primed canvas. I do always keep my clients budget in mind and offer them the choice of ordering a custom made canvas or a good quality, store bought stretched canvas that come in standard sizes. 


Acrylic is my paint medium of choice. Acrylic paint allows me the versatility I require with the type of work I do. Its fast drying quality enables me to work more commercially to meet deadlines, but also allowing the flexibility of various techniques. I can, and have worked with oil paint, but always return to acrylic as it is the paint medium I have mastered.

I qualified as a Graphic Designer & worked as one for many years, but found myself sitting behind a computer instead of creating with my hands. I began painting in my spare time, using all the knowledge I had gained whilst studying, and developed my talent & skill, which I am constantly improving on, even today. I don’t believe we have ever learned enough and there is so much to explore with art! May the journey never end…

My love for colour & painting with acrylic paint has resulted in me creating many stunning & varied paintings throughout my artistic career. I have a constant need to explore with my art, that I am unable to just stick to one subject or style – the need to discover more about my ability & skill is very strong. With that I have developed a versatility in my work and I am comfortable drawing with charcoal in detail, painting larger than life images or creating abstract works with free, intuitive expression.

I enjoy working on canvas because of it’s texture & versatility and I am able to achieve a professional result. I also work on paper, both for my drawings & my abstract, intuitive work. I’ve painted many murals on walls so think I can paint on anything really, but I would definitely say canvas is a favourite.

I really am not drawn to one particular subject, but go through phases of being inspired by my surroundings, trends & people. I do like more dramatic imagery with good lighting for interest, and lots of detail in a face. Lines and wrinkles add character which are interesting, so I’m drawn to that. I have to respond to the image or subject I choose – I just ‘know’ that is something I want to paint or draw.

I have always been a huge fan of impressionism so my top artists would be Renoir & Monet. I am constantly inspired by artists everyday and am sometimes overwhelmed at the amount of talented people out there – Instagram can be a bit much! But I try to take what I see and learn from that by trying out what others are doing, and seeing if I can make their techniques work in my art. It’s both overwhelming and exciting at the same time! So much to learn, but always keeping your own sense of self present & striving to develop your own unique approach.

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